About the institute
The Joint Institute for Innovation Policy (JIIP) is a joint venture of renowned Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) from three different European countries: TNO (The Netherlands), VTT (Finland), and Tecnalia (Spain). It was established in April 2008 on the basis of a consortium agreement and became a legal entity in July 2012.
JIIP provides intelligence to support policy-making, with a focus on research and innovation policy. One of the competitive strengths of the partnership lies in the interdisciplinary nature of its parent institutes and the subsequent cross-over and added value for the services JIIP can offer and deliver.
The partnership involves a core pool of researchers in the relevant units of the partner organisations.
The core competences and services lie in the following areas:
- Policy analysis: evaluation of policy initiatives and programmes; impact assessments; policy monitoring; policy development
- Analysis of innovation dynamics and systems: sectoral innovation dynamics; national/regional innovation systems; innovation-related economic analyses
- Forward-looking activities: foresight; forecasting; technology assessment; horizon scanning
- Data and indicators: data collection; data analysis; research on indicators; Big Data
Thematically, the Institute is specialised in the following areas:
- Research and innovation policies in general
- Industrial innovation and sector dynamics
- Sustainable innovation and circular economy
- Information Society and ICT
Our goal is clients’ success and future growth
The primary clients are the different Directorates-General (DGs) of the European Commission, in particular DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD), DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) and DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT). In addition, studies are regularly carried out also for other clients, such as the OECD, as well as national ministries and funding agencies, etc. in the EU, Latin America and South East Asian countries.